Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we're be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #5.
Tactic #102 - "Hips don't lie...same for color money."
This was from the 2013 world championship Carlsen vs Anand, Anand is black. A complex position has arisen where white has the bishop pair but we have extra light money with our knight vs dark bishop. How useful or relevant is this? Are there any stray pieces, or pawns on light? Let's see if we can unearth the hidden light resources that the great Anand missed! Is your answer correct?
Tactic #101 - "The overly eager king."
Here we are up a pawn vs a strong GM. Color money is equal but both sides are missing their dark bishop – so naturally dark will be a focal point. Black's king on e5 seemingly acts as a dark bishop – how to overtake the dark and prove that it belongs to us? Is your answer correct?
Tactic #100 - "Dark Zinger."
A simple but elegant example of a golden dark bishop ready to show its chops. Find the knockout! Is your answer correct?
Tactic #99- "Bughouse Dacha."
An interesting position has arisen and we are looking to muster pressure vs the cramped White's king. Where to start? There are no clear weaknesses and color money is equal. Upon closer look though, our pieces are all focused on light, so practically we have a *dynamic* light edge. G2 is a juicy light target, only protected by the king... let's dig deep. Is your answer correct?
Two New Video Lessons Added!
We've added two new video lessons to the academy! Watch, learn, and enjoy as IM Yaacov calmly dominates the board and share his perspectives.
Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we've been offering 25 of our color-themed chess tactics for free – little by little – over the last several weeks. This is week #6 – our last week! Keep your Dacha instincts sharp.
🎯Tactic #98 - "Classic light faith."🎯Tactic
Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we're be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #4.
🎯Tactic #106 - "The light dance! - squeezing that tempo."🎯Tactic #105 - "Knight is the
Hi everyone! To celebrate the beginning of 2025, we're be offering 25 of our tactics for free – little by little – over the next several weeks. This is week #3.
🎯Tactic #110 - "Dark chocolate ... with a hint of light caramel"🎯Tactic #109 - "Queen acts